Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions.

Yes – please see the About Me page.
No, because all children develop academically at different rates and some children are under-achieving and not realising their full potential at school.
Yes, communication is an ongoing process through email, phone calls and face to face meetings. I meet with all parents individually in the summer term and written feedback is given at this time.
Usually every child, with the occasional exception, that I expect to gain the qualifying score will ‘pass’ the test.
No, I write all of my own materials for the 30-week course and they are included in the course fees. However, I also recommend textbooks for you to buy during the year to help with extra practise at home.
The maximum number in any group is six or seven children.
A non-refundable Reservation fee of £250 is payable in January Year 4. This fee confirms a definite place on the 30-week course.

Each term’s fees are payable one month in advance of the term starting as follows:

Autumn Half Term - 6 weeks payable in September Year 5.

Spring Term - 12 weeks payable in October Year 5.

Summer Term and September week - 12 weeks payable in March Year 5.


11+ tuition is designed to cover all aspects of the Buckinghamshire GL Assessment exam. At Tutor for Success children attend weekly sessions, completing the entire course of 30 lessons in Year 5.

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12+ / 13+

12+ and 13+ tuition focuses on individual children and the Late Transfer Testing Process. Buckinghamshire Grammar schools have differing entry requirements and use a variety of testing processes. Tutor for Success provides individualised programmes of work for both 12+ and 13+ tuition.

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About Me

Tutor for Success is the trading name of Zoë Barrows. I live in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire and have been offering 11+ tuition services since 2006.

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